
FIM SuperEnduro: Israeli round rescheduled in March

Due to the uncertainties and new restrictions related to the ongoing Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic the FIM, the championship promoter ABC Communication, the Israeli Motorcycling Federation (IMSF) and the local promoter have to announce the postponement of the round initially scheduled to take place at Pais Arena in Jerusalem on 20 January.

The event will now take place on 03 March.

Revised calendar:
4 December 2021*    Lodz/Atlas Arena    Poland    PZM   
5 February 2022    Budapest/Papp Laszlo SportArena    Hungary    MAMS  
03 March    Jerusalem/Pais Arena    Israel    IMSF    (no Junior)   
19 March 2022    Riesa/Sachsen Arena    Germany    DMSB  
20 March 2022    Riesa/Sachsen Arena    Germany    DMSB  

* Already run

FIM & ABC Communications