
The FIM is currently looking for a:

Commission of Circuit Racing (CCR) Coordinator

Poste basé à Mies (VD), Suisse
Début:  immediately or to be agreed

Download the Job Description in pdf

Founded in 1904, the Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM) is an International Federation formed by 121 National Federations throughout the world and is recognised as the sole competent body in motorcycle sport by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). The FIM is the worldwide governing body for motorcycle sport and the global advocate for motorcycling. With some 50 World Championships organised under its aegis, the FIM works for the benefit of the sport and all its stakeholders.

The FIM Sports Department has an opening for a dynamic team player. You will work under the supervision of the Sports Director and the FIM CCR Sporting Manager, to whom you will report. You will join a dedicated team responsible for the proper functioning and success of the CCR disciplines.

The objectives of the position are as follows:

The CCR Coordinator will manage and coordinate the activities of the Circuit Racing Commission (CCR) to ensure its smooth operation and the success of its disciplines. This includes liaising with various stakeholders, such as FMNs, CONUs, organizers, promoters, teams, and manufacturers, to manage FIM World Championships and Prizes. The role also involves planning and organizing meetings and seminars, creating and updating regulations and procedures, and ensuring circuit safety in collaboration with the CCR Circuit and Safety Committee. The CCR Coordinator will also handle administrative tasks and communications to support the Commission's objectives.

Your tasks in this position include the following:

Management and Coordination: Oversee the activities of the CCR Commission, ensuring they operate effectively according to their mandate and achieve success in various FIM World Championships/Prizes.
Stakeholder Management: Coordinate with sporting, economic, and political stakeholders in the disciplines, including CONUs, FMNs, organizers, promoters, teams/manufacturers associations, etc.
Regulation Development: Create, improve, and update the various regulations of the CCR disciplines.
Meeting Organization: Plan and organize CCR meetings, draft minutes, and implement the measures decided by the Commissions.
Procedure Preparation: Prepare, update, and manage documents and procedures used by the CCR inspectors.
Seminar Preparation: Prepare material for seminars, webinars, and Superlicence seminars.
Documentation: Draft and update regulations, agendas, minutes, information letters, and other documents in French and English.
Communication Support: Assist the Communication Department with writing and proofreading press releases.
Budget Collaboration: Collaborate in preparing the Commissions' draft budget and control expenditures against the allocated budget.
Safety Coordination: Coordinate and follow up on circuit safety for the CCR Circuit and Safety Committee.
Project Management: Manage and implement various CCR projects, including new classes and disciplines.

•    Diploma or commercial vocational baccalaureate.
•    Fluency in English and French; writing fluency is required in both languages.
•    Oral and/or written knowledge of other languages is an asset.
•    Professional experience in an international sports environment.
•    Ability to work autonomously, compliance with deadlines and priorities, sense of initiative, resistance to stress, flexibility required.
•    Interest in sports and motorsports.
•    Technical knowledge is an asset.
•    Good command of computer tools (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Outlook).
•    Willingness to travel (20-25 days per year).

Application Process

Interested? Please send us your complete application (including cover letter, CV, and copies of your professional references and diplomas) via Job-Up platform by using the following JobUp link.

The FIM is an equal opportunity employer.

Please note that CVs that do not meet the above requirements will not be considered and will not receive a response.

The FIM is currently looking for a:

FIM Gestionnaire Services Généraux et Expéditions

Poste basé à Mies (VD), Suisse
Début:  Dès que possible

Télécharger le decriptif de poste en pdf

Fondée en 1904, la Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme (FIM) est une fédération internationale composée de 121 Fédérations Nationales à travers le monde et est reconnue comme seule autorité compétente en matière de sports motocyclistes par le Comité International Olympique (CIO). La FIM est l'instance dirigeante mondiale des sports motocyclistes et le défenseur mondial du motocyclisme. Avec plus de 50 Championnats du Monde organisés sous son égide, la FIM œuvre au bénéfice du sport et de toutes ses parties prenantes.

L’Administration de la FIM recherche pour son département des Services Généraux un/une Gestionnaire Services Généraux et Expéditions. Vous travaillerez sous la supervision de la Responsable des Services Généraux.

Objectifs du poste:

  • Assurer la gestion complète des opérations d'expéditions tant au niveau national qu'international
  • Assurer le Facility Management et le support à l’Administration de la FIM
  • Collaboration à divers projets liés aux réunions et à l’organisation de manifestations FIM
  • Superviser la maintenance générale des espaces et équipements

Tâches, compétences, responsabilités Assurer le bon fonctionnement des expéditions

  • Mise sous-pli de documents et affranchissement du courrier.
  • Préparation de bordereaux d’expéditions de documents, colis et marchandises en collaboration avec les prestataires de services postaux.
  • Mise en œuvre de processus pour le suivi des envois, y compris la gestion des bases de données et la traçabilité des colis.
  • Planification, gestion et coordination des opérations d'expéditions internationales pour l’export de marchandises, comprenant la préparation de la marchandise, la documentation requise et la coordination des transporteurs pour assurer des livraisons conformes aux exigences de qualité et de délais
  • Assurer la conformité avec les réglementations douanières et les exigences d'exportation dans les pays de destination, notamment les carnets ATA.
  • Gestion proactive des problèmes de logistique liés aux expéditions internationales, tels que les retards, les pertes ou les dommages.
  • Collaboration avec les départements internes et les partenaires externes pour garantir l’efficacité des processus logistiques.
  • Évaluation des performances des expéditions et identification des opportunités d'amélioration continue pour garantir l'efficacité opérationnelle et minimiser les coûts.

Assurer le Facility Management et support à l’Administration de la FIM

  • Réception et distribution du courrier, colis et marchandises reçus à la FIM (liaison avec le responsable des achats)
  • Organisation et gestion des activités de stockage, y compris placements et déplacements appropriés des marchandises.
  • Développer un système de référentiel des biens et des marchandises pour en assurer un suivi constant et tenir à jour un inventaire précis.
  • Reprographie selon demandes ponctuelles des collaborateurs.
  • Economat et petits articles de bureau :
  • gestion du stock et de l’ensemble des achats de matériel ;
  • réception et rangement des commandes aux endroits dédiés.
  • Réunions et réceptions à la FIM :
  • mise en place des salles de réunion et espaces ;
  • préparation du matériel pour l’ensemble des réunions ;
  • aide ponctuelle à la mise en place et au débarrassage lors de repas.

Gestion des espaces

  • Supervision des prestataires de services pour l'entretien et la réparation des propriétés de la FIM.
  • Répondre aux demandes de maintenance, réparation et d'assistance technique.
  • Inspection régulière des installations pour identifier les problèmes potentiels et y remédier.
  • Collaboration à des projets spéciaux liés à l'aménagement des espaces et à la maintenance générale.
  • Aide à la mise en place de l’exposition permanente de motos au siège de la FIM.

Logistique événements FIM

  • Collaborer sur des projets en lien avec l’organisation de réunions et de manifestations (p.ex. Conférence des Commissions, Assemblée Générale et FIM Awards).
  • Gestion de la préparation et de l’expédition du matériel nécessaire aux séances et événements.

Contacts, information, coopération

  • Contacts avec tous les collaborateurs de l’Administration FIM, et plus particulièrement avec les collègues du Département des Services Généraux, ainsi que les fournisseurs et prestataires de services.
  • Contacts avec les FMN et membres de la famille FIM.

Conditions spéciales

  • Disponible à travailler les week-ends.
  • Disponible à effectuer quelques déplacements y compris à l’étranger (jours ouvrables et week-end)

Profil du poste (compétences requises, diplômes éventuels)

  • Minimum de 5 années d'expérience dans un rôle similaire, avec une expérience spécifique dans la gestion des expéditions internationales.
  • Une expérience antérieure dans un département logistique-facility est exigée.
  • Maîtrise de l'oral et de l'écrit en français et en anglais ; la connaissance d'autres langues constitue un atout.
  • Maîtrise des outils informatiques et des logiciels.
  • Maîtrise des procédures douanières internationales et des réglementations.
  • Capacité démontrée à planifier-gérer efficacement les inventaires et à optimiser les processus de stockage.
  • Compétences avancées en planification, organisation, communication et en négociation, avec une capacité à travailler avec divers partenaires internes et externes.
  • Capacité à travailler de manière autonome, initiative et flexibilité y compris dans des situations complexes.
  • Bonne gestion du stress, esprit d'équipe et orienté service.
  • Détenir le permis de conduire voiture ainsi que la manipulation de petits engins de déplacements.

Vous êtes intéressé(e) ? Veuillez nous envoyer votre candidature complète (comprenant lettre de motivation, CV et copies de vos références professionnelles et de vos diplômes) sur la plateforme JobUp.

La FIM est un employeur qui souscrit au principe de l'égalité des chances.

Nous serions ravis de recevoir votre candidature complète. Veuillez noter que les CV ne correspondant pas aux exigences susmentionnées ne seront pas pris en considération et ne recevront pas de réponse.


The FIM is currently looking for a:

Technical Coordinator – Electric
International Technical Commission (CTI)

Full-time position (100%)
Based in Mies (VD), Switzerland

Start date: as soon as possible

Download the Job Description in pdf


The FIM (Fédération Internationale de Motocyclisme) founded in 1904, is the governing body for motorcycle sport and the global advocate for motorcycling. The FIM is an independent association formed by 121 National Federations throughout the world. It is recognised as the sole competent authority in motorcycle sport by the International Olympic Committee (IOC). Among its 50 FIM World Championships the main events are MotoGP, Superbike, Endurance, Motocross, Supercross, Trial, Enduro, Cross-Country, Speedway and E-Bikes. Furthermore, the FIM is also active and involved in the following areas: public affairs, road safety, touring and protection of the environment. The FIM was the first international sports federation to impose an Environmental Code in 1994.

About the FIM (

Technology is an essential part of motorcycling sport. The most memorable victories have always associated the genius of audacious riders and the technical progress of their engineers.

To strengthen its technical capabilities (CTI - Commission Technique Internationale / FIM Technical & Safety Dpt.), the FIM is looking for a dedicated and team-oriented Technical Coordinator/Engineer.

Purpose of the post:

As Technical Coordinator specialized in Electric you will play an instrumental role in the development, implementation and enforcement of the FIM technical/electric regulations for all our World Championships in order to ensure the fairness and safety of our competitions.

Under the supervision of the FIM CTI Technical Manager and in collaboration with the three current FIM CTI Coordinators, as well as with the CTI, you will handle all technical / electrical and administrative aspects of the competition as well as the other FIM research or homologation programmes, working closely with our numerous stakeholders (i.e., sporting commissions, manufacturers, national federations, circuits, promoters, teams, laboratories, etc.).
Your tasks

Your tasks will include (but will not be limited) to the following:

1. Research and development for new FIM Electric disciplines and Electric Vehicles (EVs).

1.1   Development of equivalences between different Electric Vehicles racing in the same discipline/class. Development of an EVs Balance Of Performances (BOP) programme. Electronic skills for EVs instrumentation (datalogger, GPS, IMU, sensors), track test data collection and analysis (including powertrain test bench data) will be required.
1.2   Development of equivalences between differentInternal Combustion Engines vehicles (ICE) vs Electric vehicles (EVs) racing in the same discipline/class. Development of an ICE vs EVs Balance Of Performances (BOP) programme. Electronic skills for EVs and ICE vehicles instrumentation (datalogger, GPS, IMU, sensors), track test data collection and analysis (including powertrain test bench data) will be required.

2. Technical Rules

With the support of experts from the CTI and the other sporting Commissions :

  • Develop and roll out Technical Rulesbooks (mainly focused in priority on electric for your position) for new FIM competitions using FIM Standards, scientific studies or technical analyses (including external expertise when necessary);
  • Review and update the Technical Rules books for existing FIM competitions based on direct feedback from FIM Technical Directors, associated sporting commissions and involved stakeholders.

3. Homologations

  • Support and work in close cooperation with the sporting disciplines, taking into account their requirements in the field of motorcycle Homologations (mainly focused in priority on EVs for your position) and the FIM Racing Homologation Programme for any products related to safety (Electrical PPE, Electrical safety equipment, etc.).
  • Review and update the Technical Rules books for existing FIM competitions based on direct feedback from FIM Technical Directors, associated sporting commissions and involved stakeholders.

4. Education/Knowledge

  • Create and deliver training content for (face-to-faceandonline) technical / electricseminars; sometime with external support from specialists;
  • Prepare and run tests for participants in order to deliver FIM licences;
  • Monitor emerging trends tha tcould affect FIM technical / electricregulations;
  • Gain continuous knowledge of the latest research (ortechnical/electrical/new energies development) in the relevant fields.

5. Projects

  • Work with the Technical & Safety Dpt. and CTI to develop new projects based on the strategic needs;
  • Develop and nurture contacts with industry at high technical level;
  • Share technical / electrical knowledge and expertise across the FIM and provide technical guidance to other FIM projects and initiatives when required.

6. Administrative duties

  • Various administrative duties, including the preparation of agendas and minutes as well as compiling documentation for various meetings (mainly focused on electric topics for your position).
  • Communication to stakeholders (Virtual meetings, Info letters, Press releases);
  • Reporting on technical activities to the CTI Technical Manager, CTI Director, Sports Director, CEO.
  • Archiving of data and documents belonging to the FIM.

Qualifications and skills required:

  • Challenger, team spirit, pro-active, positive, resilient, passionate about motorsports.
  • Master or Engineering degree in one of these fields (by priority order): Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, or Automotive Engineering (PhD in related field is an asset).
  • Excellent command of both written and spoken English and French (FIM official languages) is essential (technical documents and correspondence). Italian and/or Spanish are an asset.
  • At least 5-year experience in a motorcycling/automotive related industry (ideally in R&D, examples: Formula-E, Moto-E, Electric racing company / team).
  • Proven experience in Project Management and Project Leadership.
  • Very good computer skills (including the ability to manage electronics: data logging/recording softwares, data analysis softwares, powertrain test bench data).
  • Interest in technical and sporting issues.
  • Self-starter and well organised with capacity to work independently and in autonomy, ability to prioritise and strictly respect deadlines.
  • Work and travel on weekends in connection with FIM events will be required (range: between 10 to 20 events per year).

The FIM is an equal opportunity employer.

Interested? Please send us your complete job application (including motivation letter, CV, salary expectations and copies of your work references and diplomas) through the Job-Up platform.

We would be delighted to receive your application.