
Continental Unions & National Federations

  • 6

    Continental unions

  • 121

    National Federations

See all National Federations


6 Continental Unions

CONUs are recognised geographic subdivisions of, and are accountable to, the FIM. There are six CONUs each named according to the continent in which it is located; FIM Asia, FIM Africa, FIM Europe, FIM Oceania, FIM North America and FIM Latin America.


Click on the relevant CONU to see the Affiliated National Federations.

FIM Latin America

FIM Latin America

20 federations

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FIM Africa

FIM Africa

18 federations

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FIM Asia

FIM Asia

29 federations

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FIM Europe

FIM Europe

49 federations

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FIM North America

FIM North America

3 federations

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FIM Oceania

FIM Oceania

2 federations

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Organisations that would like to become affiliated members of the FIM are invited to download the affiliation form, fill it in and send it to nita.korhonen@fim.ch alongside with documents listed in the form.
Decisions related to affiliation requests are made once a year by the FIM Ordinary General Assembly during its end-of-year meeting, upon recommendation of the FIM Board of Directors.
Only applications that were duly completed and submitted by 30 June shall be processed by the Administration and submitted to the relevant bodies of the FIM for consideration in the same year.
The full list of the National Federations currently affiliated to the FIM can be found below.
FIM Statutes and By-Laws can be accessed here.



121 National Federations

Short name Name Country Continent
ALMF Albanian Motorcycling Federation ALB FIM Europe View detail
AMA American Motorcyclist Association USA FIM North America View detail
ASMK Assocjazzjoni Sport Muturi u Karozzi - Malta MLT FIM Europe View detail
AMF Austrian Motorsport Federation AUT FIM Europe View detail
ACU Auto-Cycle Union Ltd GBR FIM Europe View detail
AMSS Auto-Moto Association of Serbia SRB FIM Europe View detail
ACCR Autoklub of the Czech Republic CZE FIM Europe View detail
MAFIRI Automobile & Motorcycle Federation of I.R. Iran IRN FIM Asia View detail
ATCN Automobile & Touring Club of Nigeria NGA FIM Africa View detail
ATCE Automobile and Touring Club of Egypt EGY FIM Africa View detail
AAMC Automobile General Association Macao-China MAC FIM Asia View detail
AMFK Automotorsport Federation of the Republic of Kazakhstan KAZ FIM Europe View detail
AMZS Avto-Moto Zveza Slovenije SVN FIM Europe View detail
BAMF Bahrain Motor Federation BHR FIM Asia View detail
BBMF Barbados Motoring Federation BRB FIM North America View detail
BFMS Belarussian Federation of Motorcycle Sport BLR FIM Europe View detail
BMS Botswana Motorsports BWA FIM Africa View detail
BMF Bulgarian Motorcycle Federation BGR FIM Europe View detail
CMSF Cambodia Motor Sports Federation KHM FIM Asia View detail
CMA Canadian Motorcycle Association CAN FIM North America View detail
CTMS Chinese Taipei Motor Sports Ltd TWN FIM Asia View detail
CBM Confederaçao Brasileira de Motociclismo BRA FIM Latin America View detail
CAMOD Confederacion Argentina de Motociclismo Deportivo ARG FIM Latin America View detail
CYMF Cyprus Motorcycle Federation CYP FIM Europe View detail
DMU Danmarks Motor Union DNK FIM Europe View detail
DMSB Deutscher Motor Sport Bund e. V. DEU FIM Europe View detail
EMSO Emirates Motorsports Organization ARE FIM Asia View detail
EMF Estonian Motorcycling Federation EST FIM Europe View detail
FMPR Fede Moto Puerto Rico PRI FIM Latin America View detail
FADM Federação Angolana de Desportos Motorizados AGO FIM Africa View detail
FMP Federaçao de Motociclismo de Portugal PRT FIM Europe View detail
FMoM Federação Moçambicana de Automobilismo e Motociclismo MOZ FIM Africa View detail
FMA Federacio Motociclista d'Andorra AND FIM Europe View detail
FMCR Federación de Motociclismo Costarricense CRI FIM Latin America View detail
FBM Federacion Boliviana de Motociclismo BOL FIM Latin America View detail
CFM Federacion Colombiana de Motociclismo COL FIM Latin America View detail
FCM Federación Cubana de Motociclismo CUB FIM Latin America View detail
FMC Federacion Deportiva de Motociclismo de Chile CHL FIM Latin America View detail
FDEPEM Federación Deportiva Peruana de Motociclismo PER FIM Latin America View detail
FDM Federación Dominicana de Motociclismo DOM FIM Latin America View detail
FEM Federación Ecuatoriana de Motociclismo ECU FIM Latin America View detail
FEHMOTO Federación Hondureña de Motociclismo HND FIM Latin America View detail
FMM Federacion Mexicana de Motociclismo A.C. MEX FIM Latin America View detail
FMV Federacion Motociclista Venezolana VEN FIM Latin America View detail
FNMG Federación Nacional de Motociclismo de Guatemala GTM FIM Latin America View detail
FEPAM Federación Paraguaya de Motociclismo PRY FIM Latin America View detail
FESAMOTO Federación Salvadoreña de Motociclismo SLV FIM Latin America View detail
FUM Federacion Uruguaya de Motociclismo URY FIM Latin America View detail
FMRM Federatia de Motociclism Din Republica Moldova MDA FIM Europe View detail
FRM Federatia Romana de Motociclism ROU FIM Europe View detail
FMCI Fédération de Motocyclisme de Côte d'Ivoire CIV FIM Africa View detail
FFM Fédération Française de Motocyclisme FRA FIM Europe View detail
FMaM Fédération Malagasy de Motocyclisme MDG FIM Africa View detail
FMSM Fédération Mauritanienne des Sports Mecaniques MRT FIM Africa View detail
FMB Fédération Motocycliste de Belgique BEL FIM Europe View detail
FMU Federation Motorcycling of Ukraine UKR FIM Europe View detail
CAMF Federation of Automobile and Motorcycle Sports of China CHN FIM Asia View detail
FMSCT Federation of Motor Sports Clubs of Thailand THA FIM Asia View detail
FMSSL Federation of Motorcycle Sports in Sri Lanka LKA FIM Asia View detail
FMCU Federation of Motorsport Clubs of Uganda - FMU UGA FIM Africa View detail
FRMM Fédération Royale Marocaine de Motocyclisme MAR FIM Africa View detail
FSAM Fédération Sénégalaise de Sport Automobile et Motocycliste SEN FIM Africa View detail
FTM Fédération Tunisienne de Motocyclisme et des activités associées TUN FIM Africa View detail
FMI Federazione Motociclistica Italiana ITA FIM Europe View detail
FSM Federazione Sammarinese Motociclistica SMR FIM Europe View detail
FENIMOTO FENIMOTO - Federación Nicaragüense De Motociclismo NIC FIM Latin America View detail
GNMF Georgian National Motorsport Federation GEO FIM Europe View detail
GMAC Guam Motorcycle and ATV Corporation GUM FIM Asia View detail
AMOTOE Hellenic Sporting Motorcyclists Association GRC FIM Europe View detail
HKAA Hong Kong, China Automobile Association HKG FIM Asia View detail
HMS Hrvatski Motociklisticki Savez HRV FIM Europe View detail
MAMS Hungarian Motorcycle Sport Federation HUN FIM Europe View detail
IMI Ikatan Motor Indonesia IDN FIM Asia View detail
IAMF Iraq Automobile and Motorcycle Federation IRQ FIM Asia View detail
IMSF Israel Motorsport Federation ISR FIM Europe View detail
JMS Jordan Motorsports JOR FIM Asia View detail
KNMV Koninklijke Nederlandse Motorrijders Vereniging NLD FIM Europe View detail
KMF Korea Motorcycle Federation KOR FIM Asia View detail
KIAC Kuwait International Automobile Club KWT FIM Asia View detail
AMSRSF Kyrgyz Republic Auto Motorsport and Road Safety Federation KGZ FIM Asia View detail
LaMSF Latvian Motorsport Federation LVA FIM Europe View detail
LMC Lebanese Motorcycles Club LBN FIM Asia View detail
LMF Libyan Motorcycle Federation LBY FIM Africa View detail
LMV Liechtensteiner Motorrad-Verband LIE FIM Europe View detail
LMSF Lithuanian Motorcycle Sport Federation LTU FIM Europe View detail
MAMSF Mongolian Automobile Motorcycle Sports Federation MNG FIM Asia View detail
MCM Moto Club de Monaco MCO FIM Europe View detail
MS BiH Motociklistički Savez Bosne i Hercegovine BIH FIM Europe View detail
MCUI Motor Cycle Union of Ireland IRL FIM Europe View detail
MSS Motor Sports Singapore SGP FIM Asia View detail
MUL Motor Union du Grand Duché de Luxembourg LUX FIM Europe View detail
MSI Motorcycle and Snowmobile Sports Association of Iceland ISL FIM Europe View detail
MFJ Motorcycle Federation of Japan JPN FIM Asia View detail
MFM Motorcycle Federation of Montenegro MNE FIM Europe View detail
MFNM Motorcycle Federation of North Macedonia MKD FIM Europe View detail
MFR Motorcycle Federation of Russia RUS FIM Europe View detail
MSFK Motorcycle Sports Federation of Kenya KEN FIM Africa View detail
MA Motorcycling Australia AUS FIM Oceania View detail
MNZ Motorcycling New Zealand Inc NZL FIM Oceania View detail
MSA Motorsport South Africa ZAF FIM Africa View detail
MSZ Motorsport Zimbabwe ZWE FIM Africa View detail
MAM Motorsports Association of Malaysia MYS FIM Asia View detail
NMSF Namibia Motor Sport Federation NAM FIM Africa View detail
NAMSSA National Motorcycle Sports & Safety Association PHL FIM Asia View detail
NMFA National Motorsport Federation of Armenia ARM FIM Europe View detail
NASA Nepal Automobiles' Association NPL FIM Asia View detail
NMF Norges Motorsportforbund NOR FIM Europe View detail
OAA Oman Automobile Association OMN FIM Asia View detail
PMSMF Palestinian Motor Sport & Motorcycle Federation PLE FIM Asia View detail
PZM Polski Zwiazek Motorowy POL FIM Europe View detail
QMMF Qatar Motor and Motorcycle Federation QAT FIM Asia View detail
RFME Real Federacion Motociclista Española ESP FIM Europe View detail
SAMF Saudi Arabia Motor Federation SAU FIM Asia View detail
SMF Slovenska Motocyklova Federacia SVK FIM Europe View detail
SML Suomen Moottoriliitto ry FIN FIM Europe View detail
SVEMO Svenska Motorsportförbundet SWE FIM Europe View detail
Swiss Moto Swiss Moto CHE FIM Europe View detail
FMSCI The Federation of Motor Sports Clubs of India IND FIM Asia View detail
TMF Türkiye Motorcycling Federation TUR FIM Europe View detail
UPM Unión Panameña de Motociclismo PAN FIM Latin America View detail
ZMSA Zambia Motor Sports Association ZMB FIM Africa View detail