International Technical Commission (CTI)
The CTI shall give its opinion to the BD on technical proposals submitted by the sporting Commissions.
If there are technical issues that do not have an impact on just one discipline, the CTI may propose to the BD the adoption of technical rules, and suggest a date for their entry into force.
The CTI shall be composed of all the technical members holding an FIM technical steward’s licence. It shall also include representatives of the motorcycle and accessory industries who shall participate in an advisory and consultative capacity.

The FIM Racing Homologation Programme was established in order to grant special recognition to products related to safety and as a requirement for FIM competitions.
The main aim of this programme is to meet the need for an advanced evaluation of the safety performance of different kind of products.
The homologation is obtained when specific high performance and quality standards set for each product are met.
All detailed information are available at the specific website
For more information, do not hesitate to contact