
Mallorca hosts 2024 FIM Awards launch

From left: Rafael Cañellas; Joan Antoni Ramonell; Pedro Mas; Ignacio Verneda; Llorenç Galmés; Pakita Ruiz; Javier Bonet; David Salom; Damiano Zamana © FIM
Pedro Mas, Director of Tourism for Governance and Sustainability, wanted to underline the prestige of hosting the FIM Awards, an event that represents the excellence of two-wheel champions for the community of Mallorca, the birthplace of great champions such as Jorge Lorenzo, Joan Mir and Izan Guevara.


Held in the spectacular setting of Palma's Parc de la Mar, with the Cathedral as a backdrop, the press conference to present the activities of the 2024 FIM General Assembly and the FIM Awards, which will take place in the first week of December, culminating with the awarding of over fifty world titles on 7 December at the Palau de Congressos.

Present at the event were the President of the Council of Mallorca, Llorenç Galmés; the Vice Mayor and Councillor for Sport of the Palma City Council, Javier Bonet; the FIM Vice President, Ignacio Verneda; the FIM Deputy CEO Damiano Zamana; the Government's General Director of Sport, Joan Antoni Ramonell; the Director General of the IME (Municipal Institute of Sport) David Salom; the President of the Balearic Motorcycle Federation, Rafael Cañellas; and  Pakita Ruiz, a Women's Speedway rider.

All these parties wished to emphasise the commitment and support of Palma's institutions for this event, the FIM Awards, which will become the global epicentre of motorcycling during early December.

In particular, the events on Saturday 7 December will involve the local population. Right in the Parc de la Mar, the hospitality that usually represents the FIM in the paddocks of the various disciplines will be present. From the early afternoon, many of the FIM World Champions will be introduced by Fonsi Nieto, former MotoGP and Superbike rider, and will be available for autographs and photos.
Also yesterday, at the Es Baluard Museum of Contemporary Art in Palma, a round table dedicated to the theme of sustainable tourism ‘Motorcycling and Tourism: Riding a Responsible Journey’ was held as part of the Ride to FIM Awards, a series of events addressing key issues of common interest to the FIM and the local community, which will host the celebration of World Champions.

The event was also held thanks to the collaboration of the e-Mallorca Experience, an initiative that aims to promote and accelerate sustainable development, and care for the environment. Prominent speakers such as Pedro Mas, David Salon, Ignacio Verneda, Roland Berger (Director of the FIM Technical Commission), and finally, the newly crowned FIM MotoE World Champion Hector Garzò, expressed important topics of reflection, focusing on sustainability and moto tourism.

Ignacio Verneda, FIM Vice President, confirmed the commitment that the Federation has been pursuing for years through the Sustainability Commission, where sport and tourism can and must coexist. At the FIM Awards, the aim is to minimise the impact of the event on the local area, while maximising the positive effects. Roland Berger presented several topics related to the use of two-wheel vehicles, both in racing and motorcycling, including the development of non-fossil fuel technologies and the reduction of noise emissions.

All participants agreed on the importance of the path taken by the FIM and the Majorcan institutions. It is essential to promote and work on diversified tourism, creating sustainable events and technologies that ensure respect for nature. This approach makes it possible to appreciate the beauty of the region both from a landscape point of view and in the enhancement of small towns, true heritages of culture and traditions, where the motorcycle is the most suitable means to ensure the lowest environmental impact.

At the end of the day, the invitation then goes out to experience and follow the FIM Awards, a unique occasion that brings together the fastest riders in the world in over fifty disciplines, which will have its ceremony in Palma de Mallorca.